Monday, November 9, 2015

How to: fix unexpected-error (not supported)

Obligatory disclaimer: This method of fixing your FIM Sync database manually is not supported; use at your own risk! As always, back up your FIM Sync database before attempting any such operation.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I wouldn't be blogging about this if it hadn't worked.

A little bit of background: I troubleshot this error back in 2012, so I'm working from my notes. I believe the 'unexpected-error' showed up in the run history, but I can't remember if FIM Sync actually crashed; maybe this will help someone out there anyway. At the time, I recall troubleshooting an actual crash of miiserver.exe, so unfortunately I don't remember if we had tried storechk.exe before I fixed the database with this hack.  Anyway, here goes...

I've pasted the event log entry at the bottom of this post for reference.  General steps to fix are:

1. Enumerate orphaned CS-MV links
2. Save off orphaned links
3. Delete CS records
4. Delete links
5. Full import from affected MAs
6. Full syncs as necessary

1. Enumerate orphaned CS-MV links

select cs.ma_id, ma.[ma_name] ,count(*) as [count],min([initial_import_error_date]) as [min initial import error date]
from dbo.mms_connectorspace cs
join [dbo].[mms_management_agent] ma
on ma.[ma_id] = cs.[ma_id]
join (

SELECT [mv_object_id]
,mv.[object_id] as [mv.object_id]
  FROM [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_csmv_link] csmv

full outer join [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_metaverse] mv

on mv.[object_id] = csmv.[mv_object_id]
where mv.[object_id] is null
on b.cs_object_id = cs.object_id
group by cs.ma_id, ma.[ma_name]
order by count(*) desc

min initial import error date
SQL - Roles
10/17/12 6:43 AM
SQL - Virtual
SQL - 3rd party
10/16/12 8:16 PM
SQL - Principal
10/16/12 8:09 PM
AD-LDS - Partners
10/16/12 9:06 PM
SQL - Groups
10/16/12 8:07 PM
10/16/12 8:08 PM
SQL - Mapping
10/17/12 5:27 AM
SQL - User gen
10/17/12 5:43 AM
AD - Primary
10/17/12 3:51 AM
ECMA - Java
10/17/12 3:40 AM
ECMA - Web services
10/17/12 3:47 AM

2. Save off orphaned links
SELECT [mv_object_id]
,mv.[object_id] as [mv.object_id]
into #wehackedit
  FROM [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_csmv_link] csmv
full outer join [FIMSynchronizationService].[dbo].[mms_metaverse] mv
on mv.[object_id] = csmv.[mv_object_id]
where mv.[object_id] is null

3. Delete CS records

delete from dbo.mms_connectorspace
where object_id in
select cs_object_id from #wehackedit

4. Delete links

delete from dbo.mms_csmv_link
where mv_object_id in
select [mv_object_id] from #wehackedit

Event log

Event Type:    Error
Event Source:    MIIServer
Event Category:    Server
Event ID:    6301
Date:        10/18/2012
Time:        12:17:53 AM
User:        N/A
Computer:    FIMSYNC01
The server encountered an unexpected error in the synchronization engine:

"BAIL: MMS(7924): sproc.cpp(1198): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): imgbldr.cpp(1216): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): imgbldr.cpp(1078): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): imgbldr.cpp(3145): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): mvobj.cpp(199): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): nsmvimp.cpp(274): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): csobj.cpp(2062): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): synccore.cpp(555): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): synccoreimp.cpp(118): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): synccoreimp.cpp(5842): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(7924): synccoreimp.cpp(2224): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
ERR: MMS(7924): synccoreimp.cpp(2240): 0x80230405 - CS to MV to CS synchronization failed 0x80230405: [U12345678]
BAIL: MMS(7924): synccoreimp.cpp(2076): 0x80230405 (The operation failed because the object cannot be found)
ERR: MMS(7924): syncmonitor.cpp(2502): SE: Rollback SQL transaction for: 0x80230405
MMS(7924): SE: CS image begin
MMS(7924): <cs-object cs-dn="U12345678" id="{3FDD7506-5A93-4572-A60C-D22F4F46BEFC}" object-type="person">
    <delta operation="none" dn="U12345678">
      <anchor encoding="base64">EgAAAFUANgAyADAANAAyADEAMQA0AA==</anchor>
    <delta operation="none" dn="U12345678">
      <anchor encoding="base64">EgAAAFUANgAyADAANAAyADEAMQA0AA==</anchor>
    <delta operation="none" dn="U12345678">
      <anchor encoding="base64">EgAAAFUANgAyADAANAAyADEAMQA0AA==</anchor>
    <delta operation="none" dn="U12345678">
      <anchor encoding="base64">EgAAAFUANgAyADAANAAyADEAMQA0AA==</anchor>
    <entry dn="U12345678">
      <anchor encoding="base64">EgAAAFUANgAyADAANAAyADEAMQA0AA==</anchor>
      <attr name="DepartmentId" type="string" multivalued="false">
      <attr name="EmployeeId" type="string" multivalued="false">
      <attr name="UserId" type="string" multivalued="false">
  <anchor encoding="base64">EgAAAFUANgAyADAANAAyADEAMQA0AA==</anchor>
  <ma-name>SQL - Roles</ma-name>
  <import-errordetail first-occurred="2012-10-17 06:45:38.283" date-occurred="2012-10-18 07:08:11.347" retry-count="16" error-type="unexpected-error">

  <mv-link lineage-id="{F434C74C-B9B8-4BCD-858B-B221447E1FC7}" lineage-type="provisioning-rules" lineage-time="2012-09-08 07:14:07.080">{9FC0E55D-F64C-4237-9255-8B3C9756C4CE}</mv-link>
  <last-import-delta-time>2012-10-18 06:14:51.587</last-import-delta-time>
  <last-export-delta-time>2012-10-16 07:36:12.437</last-export-delta-time>

MMS(7924): SE: CS image end
Microsoft Identity Integration Server 3.3.0118.0"

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